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Titanic White Star Extended Edition Subtitles

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What is it about? This is for all those, who couldn�t get enough Titanic in the first place. All deleted and extended scenes were restored into the movie. Now it�s complete. original film name: Titanic film studio name: 20th Century Fox / Paramount / Lightstorm Date Original Film Was Released: 19 DEC 1997 Date Edit Was Released: 01 MAR 2006 Original Runtime: 194 min New Runtime: 225 min Amount of time Cut/Added: 31 min added Cuts removed/added/extended: 1. This three disc set restores all 29 deleted scenes to bring the run time to a whopping 3.75 hours. Using the Special Collector�s Edition of James Cameron�s TITANIC as a basis, this extended edition restores all of the deleted scenes in context with the film. 2. Disc One presents the extended edition up through the collision with the iceberg. 3. Disc Two presents everything afterward, with the original theatrical ending. 4. Disc Three is the same as disc two, but with the Alternate Ending, so you can choose which one to watch.......

To find out more details about my book on the Titanic and the Californian, including ordering details, please look here.

by Dr.Paul Lee

A reconstruction of the great decision to switchthe two mighty vessels of the White Star Line..

Prologue: September 1911. The RMS Olympic, sister ship ofthe Titanic (due to start her maiden voyage in March) hadbeen seriously damaged in a collision with the Admiralty cruiserHMS Hawke off the Isle of Wight. An examination of the Olympicrevealed the ship to be unseaworthy, and although she couldbe temporarily patched for a return trip to her builders inBelfast, it was clear that she was unsalvageable. Faced withruinous costs, the White Star Line decided on a radical plan..

Titanic: The White Star Extended Edition Review by Captain Khajiit This is the best extended edition I have ever seen. The subject matter of the film fully justifies an epic extended edition of this nature, and the film easily absorbs the extra running time. I only became aware of the time when the first disc of this three-disc set ended. The saga of the supposedly unsinkable R.M.S. Titanic has captured the world's imagination for over a century. Based on detailed research, this intriguing docudrama gives a rich sense of life aboard the Titanic as it explores the lives of various passengers, ranging from the most impoverished to the wealthiest, and movingly finds the courage amidst the horror and tragedy. 泰坦尼克号29处未删减4小时.titanic+white+star+extended+edition.i百度云,泰坦尼克号29处未删减4小时.titanic+white+star+extended+edition.i百度网盘资源下载地址,好分享,大小10K,分享时间2017-04-02 20:46:58,分享资源由坑搜网百度云搜索引擎收集整理。.

Bruce Ismay, the head of the White Star Line was worried.The Olympic, his brainchild to recapture the lucrative NorthAtlantic passenger trade from Cunard, had been seriously wounded.She was due into Belfast the next morning, October 6th, 1911for 'repairs'. But he, and everyone else, knew that she wasworthless and could never carry on her business as before.

He approached Thomas Andrews (Managing Director of Harland and Wolff, the builder) with a cunning, daring plan. Switchthe Olympic with the Titanic (currently under construction),scuttle the 'Titanic', have the passengers saved, claim the insurance money, and save the White Star Line from an impending financialdisaster.

Ismay and Andrews had enjoyed a sumptious meal at the WhiteStar Liner's owners palatial home: sat in his leather upholstered chair, a fat cigar protrudingfrom the corner of his mouth, a whispy trail of smoke ensuing.Ismay swilled a glass of brandy as he asked Andrews what he thoughtof his plan.

Andrews stood in front of Ismay, his face white with surprise.He was simply astounded. 'Don't you realise, sir, that publicconfidence in the White Star Line would be forever destroyedif the ship were to ram an Iceberg?'

'But Andrews,' said Ismay between puffs on his cigar, 'It'llbe an accident. No-one will be to blame. Oh, of course the officersof the watch may face some probing for not avoiding such an accident,but I think the White Star Line will be, as we say 'off the hook'.'He took a generous swig of brandy, the hint of a smile andan enquiring gaze on his face, as he waited for Andrews response.

'I think its ludicrous'.

'But Andrews, its the only way. Olympic can't sail again - butwe can make money out of a catastrophe.'

The conversation continued thus for hours, Ismay wearing downAndrews under the condition that no lives would be lost. Ismaypledged his word.

'Alright,' said Andrews, still not happy with the plan, 'then its simply a matter of logistics;men, equipment, supplies to make the switch feasible.'

Ismay slapped the arm of his chair, his voice rising to anexcitable squeak, 'That's it Andrews! What kind of things didyou have in mind?'

Andrews paused for a minute or two, gazing into the warm glowof the fireplace, as his mind poured through his mental notes ofthe construction and out-fitting of both vessels. 'Well, theobvious ones are the name plates. If we can get new plates,the names cut in, and then switched,then that will be the first step.'

'Good,' Ismay said between generous puffs on his cigar, 'Whatelse?'

'I'm thinking of all the changes and differences between the ships.You recall the B deck promenade on the Olympic and how on theTitanic this would be passenger cabins?'

'Ah yes. My idea.'

'Well, we've just about finished on the external and internallayout of the modifications. So, all that will need to be rippedput and transferred to the Olympic, er, I mean Titanic.'

Ismay sat forward. 'How hard would it be to switch these cabins?'

'I don't know,' sighed Andrews, 'we've never done retrofittinglike this before. It might not be a big job. I imagine its alla matter of time.'

'Well, I want 'Olympic' to resume her Atlantic run as scheduledfor November.'

'That means leaving here about November 20th to get toSouthampton in time for the loading of provisions etc.'

Ismay did some quick arithmetic, 'Well, she dry-docked on October 11th so thats 40 days. That shouldbe enough, surely?'Andrews nodded, trying to placate his customer.

'You can divert some men to do the modifications? Youhave 15,000 men?'

'Quite true, Sir, but we are performing work on other ships forother lines, and, if you remember, we are due to be laying thekeel for the Gigantic in November too?'

'Oh yes,' Ismay sat back dejected, 'I forgot. I could alwaysdelay the maiden voyage for the Titanic, er Olympic, fromMarch 20th to April 10th. That gives you three weeks.'

'That will help of course. A lot of that time will be usedperforming repairs on the Olympic/Titanic and keeping reasonablyto schedule with the construction of the 'Titanic', to preventanyone's suspicions being aroused about delays etc.'

Ismay sighed. His plan was starting to come together.'So, what needs to be done to make this switch convincing?'

'As you know, Sir, the two ships differ significantly inconstruction, and not just B deck. For instance, the carpettingand floor tiles are different in colour. So every one of them willneed to be changed to keep up this story.'

'I have faith in you, Andrews' beamed Ismay.

Andrews pretended to smile. He didn't like his hard work for Ismaybeing belittled and abused in such a manner.
'The Turkish bath area on the starboard side of F deck is differentin layout. And then theres the front of the wheelhouse. In the Olympic, its curved, but on Titanic, its flat.'


'The bridge and officers quarters needs changing too. On Olympic,the wireless cabin had an outside window, but this was changedon Titanic to allow more seaward facing cabins to be included,There are quite a few other changes too.'mused Andrews, his mind racing through his mental blueprints.

'Titanic's lifeboats and davits aren't due to be fitted untillater on in the year, so we'll need to transfer the whole lotto the Olympic, er, Titanic'

'Splendid!' beamed Ismay, 'And you'll have to change the nameplateson them of course.'

'But of course,' Andrews managed a sickly grin. He paused.
'I've just had a somewhat worrying thought. Just about everypiece of wood on the ships we build has the builder's numberwritten on the back to identify which ship the piece wasintended for. We'll need to remove the woodwork from the shipand alter the numbering, in case anyone checks.'

'All of it?' Ismay erupted 'Do you know how much wood thereis on the Olympic?'

Andrews did know. 'It sounds arduous, but I believe itsnecessary. What if someone checks in decades to come? Orwhat if theres a major refit, or repairs are needed.'

Ismay wasn't very happy. This would eat into his schedulesignificantly.

An uncomfortable silence descended upon the room. Andrews mindsprung into life again.'What about sea trials?'

'What about them?' Ismay muttered clenching his teeth, droppingash into his lap.

'Olympic ex-Titanic wouldn't have had any. I wouldn't likegoing to sea without testing her.'

'Dash it all! That would give the game away, man!'

Andrews sulked. 'And by the way, how do we get away with thiswithout 15,000 Irish men coming forward and telling someone?'

Ismay sat back in his chair; 'Now THAT, my dear Andrews, is agood question..'

Comment: Of course, the above never happened. But it is amazingthe rubbish that can be created by a fertile imagination.

For interest, the Olympic as scrapped in the 1930s and manyof her fittings wound up at auction, and can be found atplaces such as the White Swan hotel in Alnwick, and, until recently,the Crown Paint HQ in the North of England, The wood pannellinghas the number '400' inscribed on the back - the Olympic's yardnumber (Titanic's was 401).

Another worthwhile web resource, written by noted maritime author Mark Chirnside, can befound at this link.

Robin Gardiner's agent also joined the fray, but ina most unprofessional manner. His abusive posts on theEncylcopedia Titanica website were sadlydeleted, but his venomous spiel is there for all to see in the Fortean Times Forum -look out for posts by 'Storyman', who subsequently stormed off in a sulk, returned, insulted everyone, stormed off, returned and was ultimately banned and henceforth his identity revertedto the default moniker 'Anonymous' (see the original thread here). Unfortunately many users in that conversation has since departed (such as Bruce Beveridge, also listed as 'Anonymous'), orbeen ejected so it is hard to know who was 'Storyman' in that thread (believed to be Graham Smith, Gardiner's agent, who had also researched the loss of the hull trawler 'Gaul', convinced that she and her crew were lost due to submarine involvement - which is contrary to the findings of an inquiry which put its sinking due to bad weather. Smith's Mediaworld website was behind the Titanic Conspiracy website).

Incidentally, don't believe what Storyman says aboutRobin Gardiner's one-time writing companion, Dan Van Der Vat, viz. 'Dan Van Der Vaat now agrees with Robin Gardiner' (December 9th 2004). In emails to me in early January 2005, Dan describesthe switch story as 'bilge'.

Storyman, aka Graham Smith emailed me out of the blue on June 26th, 2006 with the following tirade:

'You have a very unpleasant, and totally untrue, comment on your web siteabout myself and Robin Gardiner in connection with Dan Van der Vatt. It isyou sir who is guilty of spouting 'bilge', and if you have any manners youwould remove it.

You will notice that Robin and I now take little interest in the attacksfrom you and those of your biased ilk, but I do object to unjustifiedpersonal attacks.'

I should mention that the quote from Van Der Vat is genuine, and that Robin Gardiner did email me,promising proof of the Titanic 'switch'. He has failed to provide this, but later went on to produceanother book on the subject.

So what can be said of this ludicrous switch theory? Superficially, on the face of it, it appeals to the amateur by invoking authoritative sound bites that seem convincing. And no one is going to check up on the proferred 'facts' especially if the evidence sounds compelling. It is much easier to accept the arguments than spend hours verifying the data.

What would the White Star Line have to gain by deliberately sinking one of its own vessels? Nothing. It hardly instills confidence in the travelling public when a widely touted 'unsinkable' ships founders on its maiden voyage. The marketing and sales impact would be horrendous. And scuttling a ship like the Olympic is a ridiculous notion. A few years beforehand, another White Star vessel, the Suevic grounded on the coast of England due to navigational errors whilst in fog. The bulk of the ship was pulled off the beach but the bow section remained. So what did the White Star Line do? Did they write off the ship? On the contrary, a totally new bow was built in Belfast, shipped to Southampton and reattached to the remaining stern. Repairs of such a magnitude were not beyond the ingenuity of Harland and Wolff. And the shipping magazines of the period have occasional references to vessels that had undergone massive overhauls. In one, a ship was cut in two and a new mid section added to lengthen her, a new funnel being added in the process.

So, the Olympic-Hawke collision was a major situation, yes, but not beyond the capabilities of the repair teams of Harland and Wolff.Let the Switch Theory rest in peace, R.I.P.

Titanic and Olympic: The Main Differences

Superficially, the two ships looked nearly the same, as can be seen from the following image:

Readers will notice a few highlighted areas between the two and these are described below:

The red area indicates the forward half of the 1st class A-deck promenade being enclosed with retractableglass screens; the Olympic's promenade was open all the way along.
The green area on the Olympic is a regular arrangement of windows on the B-deck 1st classpromenade, but on the Titanic, this was converted to cabins, and the arrangement of windows altered. Needlessto say, any 'switch' theory would have to incorporate all the extra cabins on this deck being switchedto the Titanic/Olympic.
The blue area is the 2nd class promenade area. On the Olympic, this ran for the last quarter of 'B deck', but onthe Titanic it was massively truncated to extend the 1st class restaurant out to the port side, and on thestarboard side, the cafe parisien was included.
A small point: the porthole on the D deck gangways (denoted in yellow) was round on the Olympic; on theTitanic it consisted of two vertical rectangular windows.
The purple areas indicate the bridge wings (forward) and the aft docking bridge (stern). On the Titanic,these extended over the ship's side by a couple of feet. On the Olympic, they were flush with the ship's side.
And most obviously, the white boxes show the ship's name plate, incised into the hull (I have omitted thename of the stern). To change the ship's name was not simply a matter of prising out a few plates or paintingover the old name.

The Restructuring Process

So, for the switch to work, what would need to be done? We have, unfortunately only a smattering of informationand photos with which to work. We can't say for sure what needed to be done, and over what time period. Butwe may have enough.

The photo above was taken in early September 1911. As can be seen, most of the sliding windows on B deck have beenremoved, in readiness for the conversion from promenade to 1st class cabins.

Then, the unthinkable happened; the collision between the Olympic and the Hawke. The Olympic arrivedback in Belfast and was dry-docked on October 11th. By this time, the first of the Titanic's funnels (No.2)had already been fitted, according to an edition of 'The Scotsman' newspaper published that very day. A photograph was taken at about this time and shows this:

One can see the Olympic in the graving dock, and in the foreground, with only one funnel fitted, isthe Titanic herself. It is not known exactly when this photograph was taken; blow-ups of the starboard quarter do not show the temporary wooden plug above the waterline that was fitted for the journey fromSouthampton to Belfast. It is speculated that the Titanic was moved out of the fitting out quay, to allowthe Olympic in for inspection; if so, this would be between October 7th and the 11th. As 'Titanic In Photographs' says, 'Due to the damage and flooding in her aft compartments, Olympic was down at the stern and spent several days at the Wharf being 'considerably lightened'. Olympic was finally moved into dry dock on 11 October 1911.'

The view of the two ships at this timewould have been similar to this:

Now, at this point, the Titanic's lifeboats and davits were not installed; neither were her anchors (although they were temporarily fitted for her launch). It's unclearwhat condition the ship was in, but a newspaper article describes how a lot of the installed fixtures were alreadyin situ. But that article only goes up as far as 'C' deck, saying that the framing for 1st class stateroomis 'in hand.' The Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser (19/10/11) states that the electrical turbine and auxiliaryand other machinery and all the boilers were on board, the funnel uptakes were complete and one of the funnels and both masts hadbeen erected. The article only says that 'accommodation is very far advanced.' The Dundee Courier of the same date says that the refrigerating plant and steering gear had also been installed.The Derry Journal (27/10/11) is more detailed: in addition to the above items, the 2nd and 3rd class accommodation aft on the lower deck was well advanced, whilst on the middle deck the middle deck bulkheads were finished throughout, work was also proceeding on the Engineers accommodation. The stateroom bulkheads on the upper deck were also practically complete, and were well underway on the saloon deck, where the 1st and 2nd class dining saloon and 1st class reception room joinery grounds were all up and and ready for proceeding with the framing, panelling and ceiling. On the shelter deck, the 3rd class smoking room and general room joinery grounds had been finished and the framing of all the 1st class staterooms on this deck was well in hand. The main staircase was also in position and work in connection with the elevators was advancing speedily.
(Of some interest is a reference in 'The Aberdeen Journal' of 22nd September that said that when repaired, the Olympicwould have undergone 'considerable modifications..[as] many people in the shipping world thought too much spaces was devoted to suitesof wealthy passengers [and that] the number of suites was too small. Sixty additional suites are therefore to be provided on thepromenade deck.' It is reported that these modifications were to be made to the Titanic; while the Olympic was modified upon returnto Belfast in late 1912, the newspaper must have become confused by the modifications of the Titanic's 'B' deck. If anything, thissnippet shows just how confused the state of play at Belfast was at times; no wonder rumours about the third sister ran amok!)

What needs to be done? Obviously, three of the Olympic's funnels needed to be removed to match the configurationof the Titanic. The paint needed to be removed from this, all future funnels as they didn't receive a coattill much later on. A funnel in the White Star colours being seen on the Titanic (ex Olympic) would be suspicious.

The two newspapers mentioned above make no mention of the recicprocating or turbine engines having been installed yet in the Titanic's shell. So, these would need to be installed, or transferred from the Olympic. This not a trivial task especially in the few weeks remaining.

And all this needs to be done with no-one the shore seeing this, and wondering why the funnels were beingmoved around. How was this movement of stacks to be done?

On the left is a contemporary (c.2012) satellite photo of the Thompson Graving ('dry-') Dock where the Olympicwas being repaired, with a graphic of the ship in place. The photo of the Titanic in early September 1911(above) shows a massive floating crane which was used to lower machinery and funnels into place. It wouldhave been a simple matter to move this crane into location in the River Lagan (the waterway to the leftof the Graving Dock) and, once the guy wires and securing posts on the sun deck removed, pluckthe funnels one by one, moving them to the 'Titanic' further up the river? Kill two birds with one stone;while the hull was being patched up, take the funnels off, saving time?

Unfortunately, no. The crane had a radius of 100 feet, and the closest distance from the edge of the quayto the Graving Dock is approximately this distance. When you factor in the extra 50 feet needed to getto the Olympic, parked centrally in the dock, and the fact that the crane's boom's pivot point was notflush against the quay, then we have a probable distance of over 150 feet from crane to the Olympic.The only way to extract the funnels was to (a) drain the Graving Dock once the hull was been plated.(b) move the Olympic out of the dock and then (c) pluck the funnels off. Draining/filling of the docktook 100 minutes, and moving the huge steamship would have been cumbersome.

Once out of the dock, the crane could be used to re-install the funnels on the other ship. Goodness knows how long thiswould take. Then the workers had to worry about interfacing of the piping between the Olympic's funnels and the Titanic's upper decks, to ensure that all tubing and connections matched up. They may also have taken the time tochange some of the vents on the boat and sun decks at this point, as numerous changes between the twoship's configuration had been noted over the years.

And no one on land noticed this!

As you can see from the following photograph of the Olympic in the graving dock, shipyard operations were visible from public areas for miles around. Thousands of people in Belfast would have seen the switch operation - and yet there is not one word in the papers of reporters or photographers rushing out to find out what was happening, take pictures, elicit quotes from people at the yard etc.

The Olympic can be seen in the distance in the left hand picture. A close-up view can be seen here

By 10th November, the first two funnels on the Titanic (ex Olympic) had been transferred. Again, the funnelswould have to have been stripped of paint. The Olympic's (ex Titanic) B deck would have to be re-installed,and because the Titanic (ex Olympic) was now to have suites where this promenade would have been, the windowre-arrangement would have to have been performed on this ship now, as it had been for the Titanic before theOlympic arrived.

By the time the Olympic (ex Titanic) left Belfast, 10 days aterwards, the following also needed to be done in addition to the work above:

  • Lifeboats and davits installed, and various identification markers changed
  • Anchors placed
  • All outstanding work on the interiors completed
  • The ship re-painted and all fixtures and fitting cleaned
  • The antennae for the Marconi apparatus affixed between the masts and the the wireless room
  • All rigging, guy wires and rat-lines placed
  • Integration tests to ensure that the plumbing and electrical connectivity between old and new workedsatisfactorily
And all the above between October 7th and November 20th. 44 days.

Now, some of this could be performed by moving furniture and fittings from the completed ex-Olympic to thenew Titanic, but this would still require a lot of work to make the ex-Olympic fit for sailing, which wouldtake place 6 months and 10 days after the Hawke's collision, or 5 months and 20 days after the Olympicwas dry-docked. Unfortunately I do not know the state of completion in the ex Titanic. For instance,the officer's quarters were very different between the two ships (see below), and if the Titanic's layouthad been completed by October 11th, then the walls would have had to have been stripped out and repositioned.This seems like a very large job. But, if this was done after October 11th (which was the first opportunityto start relocating fixtures) then the Titanic's officer's area would not have been touched yet and thiscould be left for another day. Similarly for the large number of extra rooms on B deck, but here therewas a simple solution. If the indications from the 'Titanic's' wreck are any indication, the partitionsbetween the new staterooms were made of wood (which has since rotted away), a much easier material to dealwith than steel bulkheads. All one had to worry about were the electrical and plumbing connections to the newB deck cabins.

The issue of repainting is very important, as this picture below demonstrates:

This was taken after December 6th, when the third funnel was fitted. Notice how grimy the ship was!The hull colours used at launch would not have been permanent and rust and detritus would build up.Repainting of 'this' ship was still some months away, and in the meantime, a grey lead primerwould have been applied to the ship's hull above the waterline. But consider how grimy and filthythe 'Titanic' (ex 'Olympic') had become in just a few short weeks..and then also consider howthe 'Titanic' had but a few short weeks to be painted to match the near pristine paintwork of the nearly new 'Olympic' when she arrived in Belfast in early October, 1911.

But wait, didn't the Olympic return to Belfast on another occasion..?

Indeed she did. In late February 1912 on the return to England, the Olympic threw a propeller bladein mid ocean, necessitating a return to Belfast; she arrived there on March 1st and was dry-docked the next day. Repairs were completed on March 4th, but the Olympic remained in the Graving Dock due to heavy winds. The Olympic left Belfast on the afternoon of March 7th, and she is reported to have arrived in Southampton the next day, and her next voyage was on 13th.

Could the Olympic and the Titanic's fittings be switched in this short space of time? Remember thatwith work on the Titanic nearly completed, there would be no need to swap funnels and so on, but we areleft with only about 4 days in dock at most to exchange all the fittings. I would confidentlyposit that there simply wasn't enough time to do this, especially with the huge differences to 'B' deck.

Below I present an analysis of the major differences between the two ships (excluding such small details as the drinking fountains for the crew, a Titanic-only feature, we are told). Apologies for the faintnest of theTitanic' plans.

The Boat Deck

When analysing the layout of the boat deck, a number of changes are evident. Most of these are minor,but the arrangement of officer's cabins is now very different. To show the differences in placement,the cabins have been colour coded.

On the Olympic, only the Chief, 1st and 6th Officers are on the starboard side; on the Titanic, all the officerbar the 4th and the Captain are located here. The Marconi room now goes from an outside room to in an internal one,meaning that it loses it window. 1st class cabins are included at the rear of the officer's quarters. The officer'ssmoke room goes from being internal to the starboard side, offering a view of the boat deck. The Captain'slavatory and bath room, just aft of the navigating room and the Captain's sitting room (the only two rooms otherthan the officer's lavatory etc. to escape a change of location) now seem to be much smaller, to allowroom for the 4th Officer's cabin. On the port side, where there had been 4 rooms forward of the entryto the boat deck, there are now 5. This is to allow the 1st class cabins to be included. On the Titanic, thereis now a port-to-starboard corridor in front of the elevator gear (just in front of the 1st class grand staircase).

Also moved were the pilot's and the chart room, which, on the Titanic were directly aft of the bridge.

Researcher Roy Mengot also claims that the 'skid lights' on the Olympic were oval; on the Titanic, they wereround. These lights were windows mounted close to the deck, at about shin height, to allow natural lightinginto cabins on A deck that would otherwise have no windows.

A minor difference is the wooden teak trim which on Olympic follows the contour of the bridge cab inner wing curve. On the Titanic it does not follow the curve and is only evident on the horizontal portion of the forward bulwark.

On the Olympic, the outward edges of the bridge wing cabs were flush with 'A' deck; on the Titanic, they overhung slightly. Thisfeature was later incorporated into the Olympic during her refit in late 1912.

Bob Read also advises that the cowled sirocco ventilator on the forward starboard corner of the third funnel deckhouse was oriented differently between the two ships. There are other, relatively smalldifferences, most notably the 'mystery box'; an item that can be seen on the front starboard sideof the 2nd class entrance on the boat deck of the Titanic, but is missing from photos on the samearea of the Olympic. It moniker is well selected; the function of this box is unknown.

A Deck

There aren't main structural differences between the two ships on A deck; the obvious one is the inclusion ofthe screens with retractable glass windows which graced the forward of the promenade. At the front of thepromenade, a screen and door prevented a gust from blowing down the deck, generated by the forward motion ofthe ship.

Ismay's desire for more revenue is evident here; two 1st class cabins are added to the foyer area of the aftgrand staircase. These two cabins were occupied by (later Father) Frank Browne during the Southampton to Queenstownleg of the journey; and by Titanic designer, Thomas Andrews.

One of the most cited differences is the painting in the 1st class smoking room; 'The Approach To The New World' on theOlympic, and 'Plymouth Harbour' on the Titanic. Researcher Robert Read informs us that the smoking room flue was directedup through the fourth funnel on the Titanic, whereas on the Olympic it vented through a pipe.

B Deck

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B deck shows the most differences between the two ships. Some of these (placings of vents and skylights on the forecastle)are fairly trivial, but most are extensive. The whole 1st class promande, reportedly underused on the Olympic, wasnow converted into staterooms; these included two so-called 'parlour' suites with their own private promenades. Thegangway 'entrances' provide a temporary punctuation in the procession of these new cabins on B deck.

Further aft, the 2nd class promenade is now truncated; previously, 2nd class passengers could peer in through thewindows of the restaurant to see those in the upper class dining. Now, the promenade only extends around the2nd class smoke room. The restaurant and associated pantry and galley were extended to the port side, while, onthe starboard side, a brand new 'Cafe Parisian' was added.

The arrangement of portholes on the forward part of B deck wa different too. As can be seen below, the Olympics' were all rectangularbut the Titanic's had circular ones too.

Left: a Booth family photograph of the Olympic from 1911; Right: the Titanic being prepared in Southampton for her maiden voyage.Click on the image for a larger version.

A 25 inch diameter bell was located at the base of the foremast; on the Titanic, this was mounted on the rearside. The Olympic's was onthe side facing forward. Both the Olympic and Titanic had a flue that extended from the forecastle deck and was mounted to the port side ofthe main mast; the top of the flue on the Titanic has a slight kink at the top, further separating it from the mast. Also on the forecastle, the arrangement of windlass valve handles was different on the two ships.

The aft docking bridge also overhung the edge of the support structure on the Titanic; on the Olympic, it was flush with the strutsconnecting it to the poop deck. In late 1912, the Olympic was modified so that the bridge matched her late sister's configuration.

C Deck

Not much in the way of changes on C Deck; the cloakroom on the port side of the grand staircase is now twocabins. This 'cloakroom' and adjoining cabins have been brought forward so that their forward faces are now flushwith the corridor leading aft on the port side. The Olympic's plans seem to indicate doors that lead aft; these donot seem to be apparent on the Titanic's plans.

As pointed out by Steve Hall, the arrangement of ports at the stern were different and unlike those on the forward portsideforecastle, the number never varied during the lifetime of the two ships.

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The area where the 1st class entrance vestibules open into the reception area is reduced in size on the Titanic, owingto the popularity of the latter. The ceiling panels (and lights?) are different, and several extra columns abreastof the grand staircase and forward of the elevators have been added according to a 2001 wreck dive report on Parks Stephenson's website. 'Titanic : The Ship Magnificent' Volume 2 states that the elevator foyer's ceiling was the same pattern as the reception room, unlike the Olympic's, and the exterior grilles on the elevators were different too. The plans of the Olympic denote a 3rd class staircase that connected the port side entranceto the steerage area on E deck, directly below, thereby allowing them to enter the ship if necessary without intrudinginto 1st class areas. The Olympic also had signs denoting each deck unlike the Titanic, which had brass lettering facingthe stairs; the Olympic was altered at some later point to conform to the Titanic's design. Behind the exterior shell plating gangway doors are retractable grilles on the Titanic, but the Olympic's plans show these to be hinged double doors.

E Deck

Although there are no obvious differences between E deck for the two ships, greaser Frederick Scott testified at the British Inquiry that the area on this deck from where he obtained his lifebeltcould be found the post office on the Olympic, where he used to get stamps. However, looking at the General Arrangement plan of the Titanic, no such room is obvious.

F Deck

The area of the Turkish bath on F deck were extensively modified. On the starboard side, the cooling room (in red)and shampoo room's (in blue) location and size were changed, and one of the electric bath rooms (green) was moved fromits location on the Olympic (off to one side of the foundation of the forward 1st class grand staircase) tothe starboard side, flush against the hull. The other electric bathroom seems to have been dispensed with.

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On the port side, the rooms closest to the staircase were altered; the two electric bath rooms now become a room for 2nd assistant stewards, and a clothes pressing room (in orange). Further to starboard, and facing these rooms,a pantry on the Olympic has now become expanded to being (from outboard in) a room for the 2nd steward, a room for the baggage master and the sports instructor for the squash racquet court, and then a separateroom for the female Turkish bath attendants. I am unsure where these rooms were originally located on the Olympic;probably off the working alleyway on the port side of E deck?

G Deck

On G deck, the third class 'open berths' on the Olympic are now separate cabins on the Titanic; these areas arecompartment F, on the port side of the squash racquet court and the post office, and behind the area for 1st classbaggage; and compartment D, which is forward of the Number 2 hatch. These areas are denoted in red above.

Other changes

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Titanic White Star Extended Edition Subtitles

In the comparison below (the top is the Titanic taken at Queenstown, the bottom is the Olympic pre-maiden voyage),the photos were taken from approximately the same location and height. As one can see, the pipes on the rear of the Titanic's 3rd funnel extend higher than those of the Olympic.

Click on the image for a larger version.

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